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The basic process of middle cut wire cutting

Workpiece coordinate system and workpiece origin are set at different positions of machine tool worktable, and several workpieces can be installed at the same time. Several workpiece coordinate systems need to be established. Machine tools generally provide a workpiece coordinate system for specifying. The origin of the workpiece should be selected to facilitate the measurement or touch of the wire position, at the same time to facilitate the programming calculation. Select > parameters of process parameters: refers to the processing conditions, including pulse frequency and pulse width, the size of the current and discharge gap and other parameters, these parameters and the diameter of the workpiece material and heat treatment and other related state, workpiece thickness, precision machining, wire electrode. CNC wire cutting machine generally provides process parameters database for processing program calls.
The database of process parameters can be modified according to the cutting material and thickness. Before the correct choice of the threading hole, the feed line and return line threading hole of WEDM, the other processing methods such as drilling, EDM piercing process of hole machining on the workpiece. Threading hole is the starting point of Mo wire relative to the workpiece movement, and also the starting position of the program execution. The threading hole location: should be easy to find it easy to check, and in the process of location. The position of the threading hole should be located on the workpiece. The selection of feed line and cutter line should also be paid attention to. A calculation method of radius compensation value compensation of wire radius: the radius compensation value of molybdenum wire radius gap of wire radius for discharge wire radius compensation and the establishment of cancellation and compensation in NC milling process is the same. The establishment and cancellation of the wire radius compensation must be done with the linear interpolation instruction, and must be completed in the cutting process, the feed line and the cutting line, as shown in the illustration. Establish and cancel the taper processing conditions must first enter the following parameter compensation of wire radius: the guide wheel center to table the table to the distance > wheel center distance > the workpiece thickness is shown. Taper machining condition parameter taper cutting processing range and machining error analysis example
The establishment and exit process as shown in Figure 1: establishment of taper machining taper machining taper machining the exit program segment must be linear interpolation procedures, were completed in feed line and return line. (3) as shown in the diagram. The program surface is the lower surface of the workpiece to be processed, and it coincides with the working surface.
The establishment of the taper is from the starting point to establish the machining line interpolation section began to swing to the electrode wire, the segment end point when the electrode wire deflection to the specified degree, as shown in figure.
Exit the taper is from the starting point from the taper processing of linear interpolation procedures section began to swing to the electrode wire, the segment end point when the wire electrode is shown in a swing back to.
Establishment and exit of taper machining, analysis of machining range and machining error of taper cutting
Taper cutting range: different machine tool taper cutting range is generally not the same, this value is only suitable for contour smooth connection of graphics
The outline is not smooth connection graph, because the edge angle is composite angle between two sides, its value is greater than the surface of the cone angle, so to the cone angle is on the edge of the cone angle will be greater than, not cutting. For example, when cutting a square pyramid with a taper, the cone angle on the edge is beyond the cutting range, so it can not be cut.
WEDM is to guide the support of molybdenum wire high speed operation, when the taper processing, the supporting point changes with the formation of small taper. Therefore, the cutting error is inevitable.
The error caused by the change of tangent point in the error direction of taper cutting. When the direction of molybdenum wire deflection, the molybdenum wire is subjected to the deflection pulling force, and has the tendency of slipping along the guide wheel.
With the movement of the shaft, molybdenum wire by yaw force, will produce different trends in the wheel slip groove, and the direction of different error; the error is not easy to make quantitative calculation, only qualitative analysis. The cutting error of the middle tap is inevitably caused by the change of the cutting point of the guide wheel. Therefore in taper cutting, in order to improve the cutting precision, can feed along the ridge direction, or the workpiece is placed into a certain angle, in order to make the error point change of wheel offset in dimension.