


A national hi tech enterprise dedicated to electrical processing, machining equipment research and development......

Address:Wenzhou, Zhejiang province Yueqing Tiancheng street, Nanjing Kang Dong Road, No. 2882

18 years of professional accumulation, autocratic high-end machine tools!

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Points for attention of machine tool use in summer

Dear user, hello! Summer is the machine tool accident prone season, in order to ensure your economic interests without loss, and extend the service life of the machine tool, in view of the summer high temperature weather, in the machine tool use process should pay attention to the following points, please strictly abide by.
1, no unmanned machining!
2. Keep the air circulation in the factory area and have good ventilation.
3, indoor temperature should not exceed 35 degrees, relative humidity between 40 and 60%.
4, at least once a day to check the timeliness of fire extinguishers, fire extinguishers to ensure that the pointer within the green effective range.
5, machine tools should be equipped with fire extinguisher.
6, machine tool processing, EDM liquid temperature shall not be higher than 50 degrees, the temperature is too high, to stop processing;
7, sharpening machine tool processing, pay attention to oil in place.
8, pay attention to the fuel tank EDM liquid level, found deficiencies, should be timely supplement.
9, pay attention to the cleanliness of EDM fluid, found that the oil black, change the filter element in time.
10, pay attention to the implementation of the instructions specified in the other maintenance matters.